Friday, September 12, 2008

the snowflake from

Snowflake Method for Writing a Novel: (summary from

1. Take an hour and write a one-sentence summary of your story.
2. Take another hour and expand that sentence to a full paragraph describing the story setup, major disasters, and ending of the book.
3. Write a short summary sheet for each character.
4. Take several hours and expand each sentence of your summary paragraph into a full paragraph. All but the last paragraph should end in a disaster. The final paragraph should tell how the book ends.
5. Take a day or two and write up a one-page description of each major character and a half-page description of the other important characters.
6. Now take a week and expand the one-page plot synopsis of the story to a four-page synopsis.
7. Take another week and expand your character descriptions into full-fledged character charts detailing everything there is to know about each character.
8. Prep for writing the first draft: make a list of all the scenes that you’ll need to turn the story into a novel using a spreadsheet.
9. (Optional.)Switch back to your word processor and begin writing a narrative description of the story.
10. At this point, just sit down and start pounding out the real first draft of the story.

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